Salty Dog Employment Form
Please note you must be 18 years or older to work for any Salty Dog Inc business.
Phone Number:
Are you 18 years old or older?
Choose one
Yes, I am 18 years old or older.
No, I am not 18 years old or older.
Email Address:
Date Available to start work:
What Is The Highest Grade Or Level Of School You Have Completed Or The Highest Degree You Have Received?
What areas of employment interest you the most?
Which location are you intested in?
Choose your location preference
Hilton Head
Bohicket Marina
What areas of employment do you have experience in?
Tell us about any skills or hobbies you have that you feel make you a good crew member:
What was your favorite job, volunteer work, class, or extracurricular activity and why?
Please define great customer service.
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